Mixed Media Store: http://amyma.etsy.com/
Lampwork Bead store: http://amysmithglass.etsy.com/
Blog: http://amymasart.blogspot.com/
1. What inspires you to create?
My creativity is born of a hunger for and response to the beauty of creation. When I see the beauty in nature it stirs something in me to respond to it. I believe God put it there as a means to communicate with me. He stirs my spirit with His beauty, and I respond in worship by creating something beautiful. Art is worship for me.

Art has always pursued me. I don't remember a time when I didn't feel a pull to create. When I was in grade school I kept a a stack of typing paper and a big pack of magic markers on the top shelf of my closet. I would climb up there and sit and doodle for hours. No one knew about my little studio. It was my secret, and the place where I felt the most at peace.
3. If you weren't an artist, what would you be?
4. What other jobs have you had which have aided you on your artistic path?
I worked as a technical assistant to the director of research and development for a software company. The company produced a statistical network modeling software. In laymans' terms, the software discovered patterns within numerical data. It could be used to predict trends in markets, and even to analyze image pixels. I learned in that job the relationships between math and art. I became fascinated with patterns. I am very interested in the "golden mean," and its constant recurrence in nature. http://www.world-mysteries.com/sci_17.htm
5. At the art supply store, which section do you gravitate to first?
Paint first, but I tend to explore every area and look for things I can use in unusual ways. I like to push boundaries.

7. If you could do anything, and knew you could not fail, what would you choose to do?
That is a big question. Failure is not really a fearful thing for me. I have "failed" at a lot, and am sure I will continue to do so. There is instruction in failure. I am going to do what I fell drawn to do whether I feel there is a chance of failure or not. So I can't think of anything artistically that I could answer this question with. I have to go for the fantasy and say if I knew I could fly like a bird and not crash to the ground, I would do that.

Amy will be one of the Featured Artists in the month of September at Artist Alley in Southern Pines, NC
And, her work can be found at the Mylestone Gallery in Farmville, NC, the Pea Island Gallery in Salvo, NC and at Urban Sampler in Pittsboro, NC
She'll also be teaching a class in January, at Jerry's Artarama, entitled: Visual Art Journaling--No Limits
Thanks for taking the time to do this interview, Amy; we're looking forward to seeing in which direction your art will fly next!
Great interview! Just saw your work at Artist Alley today and I love the town (the one in oils). Of course, I am drawn to your birds, too.
"Art is worship for me." is a great quote. I'll remember that.
Loved ready about Amy. Her work inspires me. I am one of many Amy Smith "collectors." Her lampwork really shows the essence of her personal relationship with nature.
A lovely interview, Amy!
I love watching the evolution of your work.
You so inspire me Amy. Such a nice interview. Great getting to know a bit more about you.
BRAVA! Great interview, ladies... This series has been an ongoing pleasure for me this year. Amy, your work continues to amaze and inspire - both your physical creations AND your atrful parenting.
I love Amy's outlook on life and art, she has and always will be a great source of artistic inspiration and one that I aspire to be more like as a person.
I'm honored to call her one of my friends as well. For that, I'm blessed!
Amy I love the fact that you are not afraid of color. The work is wonderful and cheery. I wish you luck with your work. Its lovely.
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