Thursday, July 23, 2015

Call for Art | Orange: An International Mail Challenge

The Carolina Mixed Media Art Guild (CMMAG) has launched an international mail art challenge!  Inspired by the "Turquoise" online challenge of 2014 (details here), we've chosen the color Orange as our theme. 

Call for Art:  We invite people of all ages from all over the world to join us in creating 4"x6" postcards on this theme, and mailing them to:  CMMAG   4704 Marathon Lane   Raleigh, North Carolina  27616.  The deadline for submissions is December 1, 2015.

The postcards will be displayed online on our Orange Mail Art blog, and there'll be orange inspiration and comments on our Orange Mail Art Facebook page. We're also planning an exhibit of them in Raleigh, NC in the late fall...details on this as they become available.

We encourage members to share this call for art with everyone they know (artists and non-artists alike), and we can't wait to see what you'll create! Each postcard should be sent through the mail (no envelopes, please), so be sure to affix correct postage to reach the US, and avoid attachments to the cards, since they may be lost or damaged in handling.  And, remember to include your name, city, state and country, so we can include this information in the online display. 

Here's a peek at a few of the submissions we've already received, but we need MORE

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