In August, CMMAG accepted a kit challenge from our favorite art supply store,
Jerry's Artarama, entitled "The World of Art". Our challenge was to create a piece of 2-D art on a supplied 16"x20" canvas, using at least a part of every item in a Jerry's Art Stuff bag, which included: a wine cork, a small piece of torn canvas, liquid graphite, playing cards, clayboard tiles, a piece of twine, foreign language magazine pages, origami paper, several pieces of balsa wood, a rubber band, and a very limited choice of paint colors. According to the rules of the challenge, two items may be added to the piece, which must somehow convey the "World of Art' theme. Twenty five members received their kits at our August meeting, and the completed canvases were due at our October meeting.

Here, thanks to Lucy, our official Guild photographer, is a photo collage of some of the completed World of Art canvases. All twenty five will be displayed, along with biographical information about the artists at Jerry's Artarama's Art of the Carolinas next month. Details about Art of the Carolinas are in the sidebar at right. Come see what we've done...they're all incredibly creative and as always, as different as the members who created them, which is amazing, considering that each was designed with the same items.
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