Despite all that happened in 2020, Guild members continued to meet every month (via Zoom) and spent time together creating and making art (also via Zoom.)
Although optimistic that the pandemic social restrictions will be lifted sometime in 2021, the calendar of online events has been set for the first 6 months. Meetings will continue to take place online via Zoom on the second Thursday of every month, with a soft start of 6:30PM for socializing and chatter. The meeting begins at 7PM and is mixed in with a drawing exercise or a demonstration by one of the members. To receive an invitation to Zoom with the group, send an email to
Since the members were missing seeing one another and craving a way to inspire one another to make more art, online Playdates have been popping up fairly regularly. The Playdates allow members to meet on Zoom, bring whatever project she is working on and some coffee/tea, and spend an hour or two creating with other artists.
There are plans in 2021 for the Guild to hold member Tutorial Events. At these events, a CMMAG member will host an online class where other members can learn to make an item or hone a skill using supplies that most of us have on hand. This will be free to our members. The first, fun free upcycled journal making tutorial, will be hosted by
Marcia with MJS Works on Sunday, January 24th at 1PM.
Guild members are participating in the first challenge of 2021 with a Valentine's Day theme. Traditionally, members would make ATCs with a Valentine theme and exchange them at the February meeting. Since there will be no in-person meeting in February, members will make a Valentine to mail to other Guildies in the first few weeks of February; this can be a bookmark, an ATC, a card, origami, or whatever her little heart desires. Who doesn't love a little smile delivery via snail mail these days?
The first of four quarterly challenges will be presented at the January 2021 meeting. A theme for the first quarter's challenge will be drawn from a list of parameters (e.g., color, texture, media) and each member who chooses to participate will bring her finished piece to the March 2021 meeting. Members may also share details of their progress along the way via social media using hashtag #CMMAG2021 .
As always, visitors are welcome. Hope to see everyone in 2021!