Thursday, December 10, 2020

CMMAG December 2020 Virtual Meeting

 This has been a rough year, but CMMAG members continue to meet every month.  The virtual meetings (via Zoom) always have a little bit of laughter and fun.  Denice led the group in a quick exercise to draw wreaths using a few different sketched leaves and plants.  It's fun to see how different each member's take is despite having the same instructions.  

This meeting also included the (not so) Secret Santa exchange.  This is a long-standing tradition at CMMAG that no pandemic was going to cancel.  

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

March 12th General Meeting has been CANCELLED

We want everyone to be safe and stay safe. 
As a precaution we have decided to CANCEL the March 12th General Meeting.   

We hope to see you on April 9, 2020

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Happy New Year!

Good day and Happy New Year!

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season; Personally I swear September was just yesterday. We're gearing up for a whole new year of getting our art under way and learning new things!

We have some lovely workshops coming up, with Joe DiGiulio, Lyric Kinard, and more.

We're planning play dates and activities for guild members to learn and share and hone our skills--I love the cross-pollination we get when people share their disciplines, and I never fail to learn something new.

Our planning meeting is January 9th at the Chavis Community Center, 7pm.  Watch this space!
