Upcoming Events
Sketching in Wake Forest has been moved to Sunday, June 23rd at 10:00 AM. Bring your sketchbook, writing implements of choice and an open mind. Meet at the Artist Loft.
August 10th is the Watercolor Pouring Class with Ryan Fox. Class is full, but there is a waitlist in case of any cancellations.
Art of the Carolinas is November 14-17th. Classes will be announced July 1st if you are interested. It is a highlight of our year!!!
Chavis Art Camp is August 19-23rd with classes 19-22 and the 23rd there will be an Art Show of the camper's work. Guild members will be assisting with art projects and acting as instructors for a class or two.
Member Challenge #2: A Photo Three Ways
The meeting program was the presentation and sharing of our Photo Five/Three Ways Challenge. It was AWESOME. Eight members participated, and they did such a wide range of photo interpretations it was fascinating. Lightboxes, tracing paper and windows were used to trace the lines of the photos. Watercolor, rolled magazine paper, layers of cardstock, in-depth exploration of watercolor pencil, astounding pencil work, fabric/embroidery interpretation, carved stamps and prints, raster prints and weaving combined, and so much more! WOW!