Thursday, January 10, 2019

January 2019 Meeting - It's a brand new year!

CMMAG held our first meeting of 2019.  Our president, Shannon, set us to task on signing up for snacks or volunteering at our monthly meetings.  The smell of markers was in the air.  

After we handled the formal business items, Ilona and Marcia led a drawing activity called “take your line for a walk” to get us in an art making mood.  The rules were simple: put your pen to paper and draw for 5 minutes without lifting your pencil.  No other rules; see what you can create.  Of course, all of them were so different.  A couple of examples are below.

There was no demo or challenge for this meeting, but there is one for February: Everyone is to bring a piece that was "made with love."   We'll be sharing inspiration and story about our pieces. We'll also continue with the tradition of having a Valentine ATC exchange.  

The 2019 calendars will be handed out at the February meeting, and there are a lot of exciting things planned for the coming year.