Monday, October 14, 2013

CMMAG November and December Events

In November, the Guild does not have a regularly scheduled general meeting.  Instead, we participate in Art of the Carolinas (AOC), sponsored by Jerry's Artarama (Thursday, November 7--Sunday, November 10). 2013 will be our 6th year at AOC, providing support for the workshop instructors and offering our own demos, Make and Takes, and Art Journaling After Hours.  Members who sign up to work for at least 8 hours at AOC are automatically entered into a drawing to win one 3-hour class of their choice during the weekend.  Drawing will be held on October 31.  Visit our Yahoo group to sign up.  

CMMAG at AOC 2009...the most work and the most fun you can have in four days straight!

December Holiday Celebration and Year End Wrap-up
Date: Thursday, December 12, 2013
Location: Chavis Community Center, 500 Martin Luther King Boulevard, Raleigh, NC 27601
Time: 6:30
"Adornament" Secret Santa Swap:  If you've signed up and received a member's name, please bring a wrapped, handmade gift especially for her, 
to be presented that evening. 
Not a "Secret Santa" yet?  Sign up on the Yahoo group to get a member's name.
NOTE:  Prior to our celebration, we'll host one for the Chavis kids in the Chavis Art Room, from 5:00 to 6:30.  Come join the fun!  

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Featured Member Interview: Shannon H. Binkowski

peace and love
What inspires you to create? Lots of things, really. I love colors and possibilities; I love words and textures (both physical and visual). I love growing things, especially dandelions (this does not endear me to my neighbors), and the wild abandon of trees. I love things that are funky and retro, particularly if they have nice bright colors involved.

When did you decide to pursue art or did art pursue you? I've been doing bead jewelry for years, mostly teaching myself as I would find new things to play with. I always tended to think of myself as more of a crafter than an artist; not building from scratch, but assemblage with a decent eye. My family was very crafty, so there were a lot of things I tried growing up (tie-dye, marbling, some crochet, the beading, etc.) that let me indulge a love of color without trying to do anything like *painting*, for which I had decided early I clearly had no eye and so had given up on. My friend Linda has been helping me find my way back to visual, rather than wearable, art.

If you weren't an artist, what would you be?
"draggin flies"
Still not sure how comfortable I am calling myself an artist, but I don't suppose it matters, really.
Creation and craft has been one of the constants of my life--I've never been a professional, just a hobbyist, but I've always had a connection to creating no matter what else I was doing. School, teaching, and retail have all had that creation running right alongside.

What other jobs have you had which have aided you on your artistic path? I taught the evening lab sections for college Astronomy classes for several years, and I loved it--the brilliances and depths and vast distances grab me. I've also spent a huge amount of time working in little Hippie health food stores, and those tend to be some customers who seriously love their colors. Being around that atmosphere of energy and creation is a lot of fun.

At the art supply store, which section do you gravitate to first?
Ooooh, depends what I'm working on--used to be I'd head straight for the bead section, but I've tried to keep a general moratorium on things I'm not actively working on, and moving into flat arts is extremely absorbing. Right now I tend to head for the paper and paint aisles, because I'm trying to learn more about those.

What new technique or art form would you like to learn?  Do you have plans to do so? I would like to learn... well, probably all of them, actually. I would like to learn all the things, However, out of deference to my husband, the space in my house, and the status of my bank account, I'm trying very hard not to acquire too many new media. (It's not actually working.)

If you could do anything, and knew you could not fail, what would you choose to do?
Honestly, I'm not sure; there are a bunch of things.  I'd love to make a living on my art, and on the other hand, I'd love to get a Hippie health food co-op set up in the South Raleigh or Garner area.  Ultimately, however, I don't focus on just one thing very well, and while it means that my art and life can be broad, I do a lifelong dance with the whole 'Jack of trades, master of none' thing.
Thanks for the interview, Shannon...we look forward to seeing what your next foray into the artistic unknown will bring!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Featured Member: Linda Poche

What inspires you to create?
Anything. Everything. My mom is an artist, so I’ve been surrounded by art all my life. I took art classes in junior high school and was an apprentice for my mom my senior year of high school. I love exploring any kind of museum, in part because I am fascinated with public spaces and how we communicate through form and display. Nature has endless beauty and man-made structures can be amazing in either their complexity or simplicity. We live in a visually stunning world.

When did you decide to pursue art or did art pursue you?
I’ve played with art all my life. I’ve enjoyed photography exploration, hand building ceramics, being arts supervisor at day camp, building sets for educational theater groups, designing layouts for poster art (before computers!), and doodling on all my notes through two and a half degrees in English. I grew much more serious about it after I married my amazing husband who said I should “go for it” and see if I could start my own arts and crafts business.

If you weren't an artist, what would you be?
I don’t know how to answer this question. I can’t imagine my life without art.

What other jobs have you had which have aided you on your artistic path?
Working as a merchandising manager for Barnes & Noble Bookstores let me use my artistic bent to design wild and awesome window displays. As a day camp counselor, I had to post schedules for our activities and I drew all kinds of illustrations on them to make them more interesting. (And the kids loved it!) And I volunteered time with an educational theater group and ran two university film groups: both of these interests gave me experience at creating visually appealing advertising materials to draw audiences in.

At the art supply store, which section do you gravitate to first?
There are sections?
What new technique or art form would you like to learn?  Do you have plans to do so?
What would you like to teach me? I’m willing to try almost anything (although needle arts are probably at the bottom of that list).

If you could do anything, and knew you could not fail, what would you choose to do?
I designed a one-woman installation show ages ago that would have all interactive pieces and fill an entire gallery space. It would include so many of the cool things I’ve seen in museums and galleries. It would teach important ideas to kids and make adults stop and rethink preconceptions.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Featured Member Interview: Iris Musselwhite

What inspires you to create?
Everything is an inspiration.  When I was 12 years old, my Mother signed me up for
art lessons across from my school. I started in drawing and progressed to watercolors.
From the moment I walked into that house and saw the art supplies, I was totally hooked.
I have been taking enrichment classes ever since and you guys know that is quite a while

When did you decide to pursue art, or did art pursue you? 
Art pretty much took me over.  It was my dreamy place to go where no one else could be, I thought.  Then over the years I have found great friends who liked to do the same things I did. 

If you weren't an artist, what would you be?
I cannot imagine not painting and drawing.  That means everything to me. I have had many vocations but only one career that has lasted me a lifetime.

What other jobs have you had which have aided you on your creative path?
The Day Care that I had for over thirty years afforded me the opportunity to share and teach and affect the lives of many children.  One of my big jobs was to be the main person to touch
each child with art.  My kids were so creative that on many occasions they would totally amaze me.

At the art supply store, which section do you gravitate to first?
In the art store, the most fantastic place there is, there is everything to make your creativity come alive. I am like a kid in the candy store.  I am always checking out the art books for new techniques and new ideas.

What new technique or art form would you like to learn?  Do you have plans to do so?
My latest new technique is creating ocean water with watercolor and acrylic inks.  I am working on it now and hope to have it perfected by September and I can add it to my demo.  It is a great new technique.  Wish me luck.

If you could do anything, and knew you could not fail, what would you choose to do?
To be honest, I am truly where I want to be. Working three days a week and making art four days.  Who could ask for more than that?

You're right, Iris; that does sound ideal!  Thanks so much for the interview.


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Featured Member Interview: Lucy Shupe

What inspires you to create?
Everything - of course!  Nature; photos - old & new; other people's art - old & new; family history - old & new; patterns; old things and odd things; sometimes even the art materials themselves.
When did you decide to pursue art, or did art pursue you?
I can't remember a time when I wasn't doing something 'creative.'  Some of my earliest memories are of making paper doll families and clever things for my Barbie dolls.  I received my first camera in fifth grade and have rarely been without one since.  I often feel as though I see the world through a viewfinder - whether I have a camera in my hands or not.  I also started making cards early on.  Of course it was just folded construction paper and crayon flowers back then.  The older I got the more things I tried: sewing, painting, knitting, embroidery, making miniatures, baking. writing, jewelry, rubber stamping, and scrapbooking (to name a few!).  If I'm not making something and expressing myself I'm not happy.  I can never decide which is my favorite art form - I love it all.  In the more recent past I have added digital art, altered books, and now - art journaling.
manila folder
folder inside
If you weren't an artist, what would you be?
Frustrated.  Perhaps I would be a baker.  I used to be quite the cookie baker, but now everyone is watching their figures!
What other jobs have you had which have aided you on your creative path?
Most of the jobs I have had were so boring that they pushed me towards the creative things in my free time.
altered book
At the art supply store, which section do you gravitate to first?
Where I head first in the art store is totally dependent on the day, but I rarely walk out with only one medium.  It's all good.
What new technique or art form would you like to learn?  Do you have plans to do so?
I'm always up for new things!  At the moment I'm exploring different forms of art journaling.  I would like to learn more about art quilting.  And I'm always wishing I had time to learn more digital art techniques.  My list of future projects is quite long.  If only I had the time and energy.
If you could do anything, and knew you could not fail, what would you choose to do?
Achieve world peace...  Save the planet...  Spread the joy of art!
Thanks for this peek into your creative world, Lucy!
Cape Cod Flowers

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Congratulations, Chavis Kid Artists!

On Friday, May 17th, the kids from the Chavis Community Center in Raleigh displayed artwork created in the afterschool program beginning in January of this year.  Congratulations to all of the young artists!
Also, congratulations and special thanks go to the Chair of the ArtFest committee, member Cathy Mitchell.  Thanks to your organization and hard work, the art projects looks great, and the exhibit was a great success!

Enjoy this collage of the displays below.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Retreat Registration Deadline: Today!

There are fewer than four weeks to go until our Artistic Asylum Retreat, and today is the deadline for registration. So, if you've been on the fence about joining us for a weekend of creativity, friendship and fun, NOW is the time!

Here is the updated Master Schedule of events:

See you there! 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Artistic Asylum Retreat Schedule

With just over a month to go until our very first retreat on April 4--7, excitement is building!  If you haven't registered yet, what are you waiting for?!  Fifteen hours of instruction with accomplished artists, three nights' lodging, and all meals, all this for $310/double occupancy... 'can't get that anywhere else we know of.  Plus, the opportunity to share your creativity with other members of the Guild, and to get to know them better...a bargain to be sure!  There's still time for you to join us.  The registration deadline is Friday, March 8th, and you can pay via PayPal, using the links at the bottom of this blog.

To really give you a sense of the retreat, here's the schedule for our long weekend of fun, creativity, learning and laughing...'hope to see you there!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Artistic Asylum 2013 Registration Now Open!

Registration for the CMMAG Artistic Asylum 2013 is now open to friends, family, and aficionados of the Carolina Mixed Media Art Guild.  

What is the Artistic Asylum? 

Left to right:  Fetvedt bracelet, Modler journal page, Edmonson quilt, True bottlecap pin

The Artistic Asylum is a mixed media immersion in Fiber Arts, Art Journaling, and Metals.  Each retreat participant will experience all 3 categories.  Accomplished instructors John Fetvedt, David Modler, Susan Edmonson, and Marlene True will be sharing their art in 3-hour and 6-hour classes.
When is it?  Thursday, April 4 --Sunday, April 7
Where is it?   Haw River State Park » The Summit Center Summit, NC

Accommodations in motel-style lodges (modest and clean, no TV) can be reserved as a double or a single (while they last).
Three buffet-style meals are served in the cafeteria and are included as part of your registration.   Vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free diets and food allergies are accommodated.  Sign-in on Thursday, April 4 from 4:00 to 6:00 pm.  There will be evening activities planned for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. 
Okay, this sounds great!  How much will it cost?
CMMAG Membership Dues*                                   $30
Non-refundable Artistic Asylum Registration Fee      $30
Single accomodation at The Summit Center           $370
Double accomodation at the Summit Center           $310
*membership is required for participation, gives you a year of mixed media fun, and entitles you to the full calendar of Guild activities.

What's included in the fees?  

Fifteen (15) hours of instruction, lodging for 3 nights, and all meals.   Yes, all of it for one, low price.   Compare it to similar retreats that cost between $700 and $900.

How do I register? 

The Artistic Asylum registration form is available on our CMMAG Yahoo Group.  Upon payment of your membership dues, you will be invited to join the Yahoo Group, and must print, fill out, and mail the form to the address provided.  

All reservations are on a first come, first served basis.  Registration fees are  payable by check or through PayPal. 
Payment options include paid-in-full or two equal installments. 
Final payment is due by March 8, 2013.   
Scroll all the way to the bottom of this blog to access the links to PayPal registration. 
Email questions to:  and they will be answered by a CMMAG Retreat Committee member.

We look forward to seeing you at the Artistic Asylum Retreat

sponsored by the
Carolina Mixed Media Art Guild


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Featured Member Interview: Fran Schindler

What inspires you to create?  
What inspires me? Just about everything--Nature--Trees, especially tree bark, bare trees, clouds, rocks, lakes, the ocean, the art of others. Browsing in art stores and galleries. Being part of a group that creates. Collecting found junk  especially rusted stuff. Going to museums. Colors, Shapes, Textures.  I'm sure you get the picture.

When did you decide to pursue art, or did art pursue you? 
Art has  been rolling around in my mind for years. I've always said , If I had unlimited money I would buy art. Not museum quality art, but interesting art of every type that appeals to me. I'm especially attracted to assemblages, painted furniture, sculptural pieces, anything abstract with shape, color and texture.  One of my favorite places is the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore. They feature what is called ART BRUT, also called Outsider Art; basically art by self-taught artists or art by the mentally ill.  My favorite art magazine is "Raw Vision."  What really got me motivated to do something NOW was attending Art of the Carolinas and running into the people in the Guild. That in combination with the fact of my age--"if not now when," and the serendipitous meeting with  a 93 year old woman artist in NYC who does drawing and assemblages. The minute I walked into her home and studio we made an instant connection. I never met a person before who picked up the same kind of stuff I did, and she actually did something with it.

If you weren't an artist, what would you be?
If I weren't an "artist"? What??? That will be answered in #7.  Actually, I never thought of myself as an artist until late 1998. While I was out walking, I spied the pieces of a broken windshield lying in the street.  "Aha!" said I. "that looks like art." I ran home, got a broom and dustpan, went back to the site and started sweeping up the glass. A motorist stopped and expressed concern about an accident and asked if she could help. I said, "No thanks, I'm an ARTIST??? and I'm collecting materials." And, voilà, I dubbed myself an artist.
What other jobs have you had which have aided you on your artistic path? 
My work has always been in Nursing in the areas of Psychiatric Nursing and Substance Abuse. Not much artistic preparation there, until one day I was assigned to a young woman who was very ill.  She was basically non-verbal; wouldn't even get out of bed.  After a few days, her father brought in a big tub of art supplies. One day, I found her sitting on the floor surrounded by her stuff, just putting paint on paper and adding glitter and other shiny stuff.  It was love at first sight. I sat with her and watched her, and we hung her stuff on the walls of her room. We became friends, and she improved enough to be discharged, then continued doing some art through out-patient programs.  I have always attributed my starting to get some art supplies to do something, directly to her.

At the art supply store, which section calls to you first?
I go to paint, paper, bound journals, pens, markers, pencils and books, books, and more books. I love to look at the kids' section, especially the Dover coloring books. My other passion for relaxation is coloring Mandalas. The history of mandalas and their shape is an endless source of fascination to me. The shape can found everywhere in nature.

What new technique or art form would you like to learn?  Do you have plans to do so?
I'm currently messing with making handmade, upcycled, stamps and prints. Also, I'm trying to figure out what to do for my project with the Chavis kids, learning about using acrylics, art journaling techniques, trying to learn to do image transfers, and using pouring medium with acrylic inks. I'm totally overstimulated!!

If you could do anything, and knew you could not fail, what would you choose to do?   
This is the best question of all!! I would be a performing artist!!! I would do stand-up comedy. Theater--Drama-- but most of all, Broadway musicals.  I would sing, dance, act and would be an all around DIVA. Although I am totally unable to do anything musically and have no desire to learn.  It is a total fantasy I was fortunate to be able to experience as a performer for 6 years, with a group of guys who do a fundraising activity for the Alliance of Aids Services. It is called Drag Bingo. My name was MissDiagnosed!!! I wore costumes, wigs and tons of makeup. I danced, lip-synced pop songs and schmoozed with the audience. This was all volunteer work for the Alliance and we often raised up to 10K in one night.  It was one, if not the best, most enjoyably fun thing I have ever done. I am so sad to have made the decision to stop, but realistically there is only so much makeup I could pack into my wrinkles and it's hard to see without my glasses.

Thanks for the interview, Fran...what we want to know is: are there any photos, or, better yet, videos of "MissDiagnosed" in action?!