Thursday, July 22, 2010

Upcoming Special Event: "Who Does She Think She Is?"

The Carolina Mixed Media Art Guild will present the first Triangle-area screening of the documentary film by Academy Award winning director Pamela Tanner Boll:

Who Does She Think She Is?

Our House Party screening will take place on
Saturday, August 28 from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm at ‘our house’:
The Chavis Community Center (located at 505 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard., Raleigh, NC).

Suggested donation:  $10.00
includes: movie, popcorn, soda, and guided discussion following the
feature. For more information on the film, the creators, and the
featured artists visit the official web site:

In the spirit of ‘paying it forward,’ net proceeds will be donated to
SWOOP (Strong Women Organizing Outrageous Projects)! To learn
more about what these amazing women are doing, please visit:

To purchase tickets (on sale August 1) visit:

For any questions and/or additional information, please contact

Spread the word, and see you there!

Friday, July 9, 2010

We Have a Winner!

Member-at-Large, artist and seamstress extraordinaire, Roberta Morgan entered two pieces in the American Sewing Guild Creativity Contest, and each received honors.  Roberta's beautifully embellished jackets were created using Simplicity pattern #2703 (which she altered "a lot").  The white jacket was a finalist in its category, and the copper one won First Place.  Congratulations, Roberta!