Friday, July 15, 2022

July 2022 CMMAG Meeting

CMMAG President, Marcia, welcomed members to the meeting as well as two visitors.  Both ladies like to work in various media.

Upcoming Events  

  • Saturday, Sept 10 - Jodi Ohl  2PM to 5PM at Cary Quilting Co. 
    • This will be an abstract class.  Jodi is still working on the agenda and class supply list.  This will be sent out ASAP.  Cost is $30 per member.  A deadline for the payment will be sent with the supply list. 
  • Saturday, Sept 24 - Playdate at Jeanne Rhea’s Home Studio in Sanford  9AM to ? 
    • Jeanne has arranged for Diane Flanagan (a stained glass artist) to provide instruction on creating a glass mosaic piece. Diane will teach how to cut glass and go through the process.  Jeanne is supplying all of the materials.  This mosaics session must start promptly at 9AM to allow for drying time. Members are welcome to arrive later for the other demos, mingling, and socializing.   
  • Sunday, November 6 - Bookmaking Workshop with Penny 1PM to 4PM at Cary Quilting Co. 
    • Penny Weaver will lead an exploration of surface design on a large sheet of paper that will become the basic structure of our book with three signatures, expanding inserts, and Hidey-holes.  Cost is $10 per member, which includes supplies. A list of basic tools to bring will be provided.  

Member Challenges 

  • The Do This In Your Style (#DTIYS) Challenge in 2022  
    • Members are challenged to create a piece each quarter in their own style based on a chosen piece from a famous artist using any media in any size/shape.   The only rule is to be inspired by the chosen work. 
    • Second quarter 2022 pieces based on Monet’s Water Lilies were shared by several members.  Photos are provided below.  

    • The Third Quarter 2022 inspirational piece is Yellow-Red-Blue by Wassily Kandinsky, recommended by Jeanne Rhea.  

Show & Tell  

  • Karen shared a necklace that was made from charms made by CMMAG members.  One year, the Guild members signed up to exchange charms.  All of those who signed up had to make enough charms for the number of members who signed up.  They then got together around Christmas and exchanged the charms with one another.  The necklace was wonderfully eclectic.  Maria and Jeanne remembered this event as well.  


  • The August 11 meeting will be our last event at Carolina Pines Community Center at 2305 Lake Wheeler Rd, Raleigh, NC 27603.  Starting with the September 15 meeting, all CMMAG events will be held at the Cary Quilting Company at 935 N Harrison Ave, Cary, NC 27513.  

Painted Ox Show

Iris and Karen have arranged for works from CMMAG members to be featured in the front window of the Painted Ox in Oxford for the entire month of November 2022.  There is no theme; it is strictly to show off the artistry of CMMAG and encourage membership. Full details/instructions will be shared at the August meeting.  

Demo: Batiking with Paper and Paint

Katherine Stein got us all buzzing with excitement over her use of waxes (bees and soy) in her batiking techniques.  She walked through the different tools we could find in the house, thrifting, and hardware stores to create unique and interesting shapes.  She then shared the technique of overlapping the colors and wax patterns before removing the wax with an iron.